Thursday, May 30, 2013

Disney Non-Princesses?

Lately, there has been much talk about how Disney's non-princesses don't get enough attention as they deserve. The only Disney Princess who is not the main character of her movie is Princess Jasmine, but the only Princess with no royal ties during the entire course of their film, is Mulan.
However, although there hasn't been much tension about Mulan being a Disney Princess, there has been a lot of talk about the unrecognized Disney girls.
Many people wonder why many Disney girls aren't turned into Princesses. Some say it's because they aren't the main character of their movie. Well, neither is Jasmine. Some say it's because they're not royal. Neither is Mulan.
We're all going to fight for the equality of all Disney girls, but tell us what you think about Disney's non-princesses!


  1. Oh , My fauvorites are Kida Giselle Esmeralda Amelua and Jane but Eilonwy too

    1. Those are some of the best ones.

    2. Two of the unrecognized ladies in the picture are royal, and some of the reasons why certain Disney women are excluded are, I think, kind of stupid. See this page:
